Cannabis has been in the conversation for athletes for a long time now, whether it’s for help with endurance or to ease pain after a game, many athletes are starting to be more open about their use. has issued a fantastic story about retired NFL great Joe Montana coming out about his use of cannabis for pain relief.

joe montana believes in the healing power of marijuana

Another former elite level professional athlete has come out in support of medical marijuana as a therapeutic treatment for pain. Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Montana, who played most of his career in California for the San Francisco 49ers, has joined a growing community of retired athletes speaking out about their cannabis-aided healing regimen.

Montana told Playboy Magazine, “Legalization is picking up steam on a global level and I feel like now is the time to spread information about the curing capabilities of this plant. As with any medicine, increased accessibility comes with the need for education.”

Increased focus on pain relief methodology among the NFL and other professional sports leagues comes after much scrutiny of the way these businesses prioritize profits over healthcare — physical and mental. The NFL, which has been inundated with criticism in recent years for their mishandling of the league’s concussion crisis and the resulting long-term damage it can cause to players, has been notoriously behind in their acceptance of marijuana research.

Read more at | Article by Duke London